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I'm a 17 year old female currently dealing with PR. My dermatologist prescribed me a steroid cream, bath oil "slush" and UVB light therapy. i used the slush for about two weeks before I couldn't take it anymore. It didn't seem to soak into my skin and it was runny and oily and gross feeling to the point where the texture of it added to the itching. So I made my own mixture by adding the slush to a thick eucerin lotion, tea tree oil, coconut oil, and a hemp seed lotion. I've been using this mixture on my skin and it has helped so much more than the slush alone. As for the UVB treatments, they were a waste of time. I went for two weeks, my sessions started at about 30 seconds and built up to maybe 2 minutes by the time I got fed up and went back to normal tanning beds (I used tanning beds about once a week prior to getting this rash, I ran easily, get very dark with very little usage, and don't burn). At this point I've had the rash for about 3 months I think. It's now turned from raised red spots to flat, pale white spots. I'm hoping this is the beginning of the end for it, tanning appears to be helping although at first it just made the white spots contrast against my dark skin which made it look worse. Anyone who has gotten over this rash had it end like this? Hope this helped, I just want to look normal in time for summer!

March 3, 2014 - 3:11pm


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