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EmpowHER Guest

What a great website!
I'm here because I think I'm healing and I just wanted to check if it's true.
I have had PR for about 5 weeks now. I was so shocked when the doc said the condition could last several months in some cases! It's so embarrassing, so I try to cover it where visible with a scarf and I wear tops with sleeves to cover from my upper arm, too. I noticed that the more I covered myself, the further the spots had spread on my neck. But I wouldn't go out without hiding the rash so it's a devil's circle.
I went to tanning only once and I'm going again in the morning because it definitely helps. The patches have darkened a bit, but they are flat and dry, looks like drying off. Some cleared in the middle. I take food supplements as well. Since I noticed improvement, I started using a sponge to scrub the dry spots off and it seems to be good, however it definitely wouldn't have been recommended while it was still itchy and spreading. After scrubbing and shower I put sudocrem on it. By the way, I use hibiscrub to shower when I have skin problems to avoid infections. I suffer from eczema and hibiscrub has helped before.
So I do a lot of things at the same time. I'm sure tanning really helps but i don't know about the other things. I just do them all to improve my chances to recover quicker.
Good luck with your recovery!

March 19, 2014 - 5:47pm


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