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I'm in the middle of my 5th week with Pityrusis Rosasea and my school doctor said it's be 2-3 months but my pediatrician said it would only last for 6 weeks. It kept letting worse for the first month and it's been super hot out lately so covering it up has been torture. Anywho, the begining of the forth week I started using head and shoulders shampoo and been washing my body with that (I've been scrubbing kinda hard tho, maybe I shouldn't be tho lol) and used plenty of oil and lotion afterwards! It sopped spreading after that and this week I've been lying out in the sun for a n our or two everyday and that seems to help too. The only thing I'm confused about tho is that the sun is suppose to dry it out but the shampoo and lotion are suppose to moisturizer it? So it's kind minusing the other out? So far the spots are all pretty flat and not nearly as bright red anymore! The only thing tho is after being out in the sun for so long, the spots aren't tanning underneath so I have a feeling I'm gonna have a pretty akward tan line after this haha.

May 2, 2014 - 4:48pm


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