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I thought I had a ringworm on my breast - my hearald patch appeared after I had gotten wet at work and had to stay in wet clothes... so I was treating with antifungal cream, spray, and tea tree oil. I thought it was controlled but then after the 2nd week - all of a sudden it had spread. Went to the doctor and she told me it was Pityriasis rosea after the first glance. (She did look under her special light thing) Told me to use benedryl and calamine lotion...and suggested light therapy. This is week 6 and I really cant tell if getting better. All I can say is thank goodness for calamine. I've been afraid I would scare the neighbors if I exposed my chest - but I am ready to try!! The itching seems to be worse so maybe it is healing now?????

August 26, 2014 - 9:51am


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