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EmpowHER Guest

I recently recovered from Pytiriasis Rosea. But when I was first diagnoses I wasn’t sure of what to expect. So I went online and found a few forums like this one which gave some answers and reassurance that I wasn’t alone going through this. However, I found it confusing to hear all different kind of treatments being used from head and shoulders to UV therapy etc and it didn’t really give me a clue of what to expect. So I thought I share my experience with PR with you....

Week 1: It started with the typical herald patch on my stomach which I thought was just a little spot caused by the trouser button.

Week 2: About a week later small red spots appeared on my lower neck and upper chest. This was just before my holiday and I put it down to stress. I though sun would do the rash good and so I went in the sun as I normally did. Over the next 7 days the spots increased in size and spread all over my chest, stomach, back and under arms. They were just red but without being itchy or flaky. I used a barrier Cream, like SUDO Cream, to sooth and dry the spots.

Week 3: The spots on chest and stomach seem to be drying out and starting to go flaky in an annoying dandruff sort of way. At the same time the red spots have now also spread from my upper arm to my lower arms and I have to cover up (it’s height of summer!) Also the skin on my neck and face has become extremely dry – looking like the skin of a 90 year old! (but luckily not effected by spots) I am wondering how long will this go on!! (CRY)

Week 4: I am now at the point where I am trying to wash the flaky dandruff off my body with head and shoulders followed by a thick layer of Sudo cream to sooth the skin. At the same time I am moisturizing my face and neck every few hours -tit’s SO dry! Towards the end of the week I notice the rash of red spots is slowly and lightly spreading to my groin area and upper legs but luckily not too severe.

Week 5: The flaking of the skin on my upper body is beginning to fade – I am now using E45 Moisturizer cream. My face and neck feel less dry.

Week 6: The chest area where the rash started is beginning to look less blotchy and the flaking on arms and legs becomes less and less. I just keep moisturizing everywhere.

Week 7: I feel normal again. The only trace I can see are some lighter patches on my chest and arms where the initial red spots where exposed to the sun.

As to WHY....
I read that some of you mentioned a change in diet just before you were diagnosed with PR. Thinking about it - I made a conscious effort to drink a LOT of water since I was hardly drinking ANY before. Then throughout the 7 weeks I really noticed How little if any I sweat and didn’t have to wash my hair half as often as I normally do – like the body drying out and not letting any moisture to the surface. Could this be a result of over-watering the body in the first place, like a shock? It would be interesting to hear if any of you have similar experiences.

September 13, 2014 - 8:28am


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