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On week 4 of the rash. First week was the large herald patch on my back and second week till now it's spread to my whole back, chest, stomach, upper legs, and upper arms. Completely coated in this rash. The original head and shoulders shampoo has really helped with the itch. Make sure you take luke warm or cool showers. Hot showers made my rash more itchy, red, and worse. Aveeno excema cream and hydrocortizone 10 cream combined and really helped the itch. Getting outside in the natural sunlight has helped the rash to peel and get less red. In week 4 I've had the rash spread to my wrists and up my neck, behind my ears, and in my neck hairline. I pray this goes away soon. It's been horrible to wear long sleeves and try and cover my neck, arms, legs, etc. Love people at work asking what's going on with my skin. I haven't tried tanning in a bed because I have such fair skin and I've read getting burned makes it worse. I've also had success using coconut oil for the itch.

September 22, 2014 - 12:32pm


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