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EmpowHER Guest

I am at the end of my second week of PR. About three weeks ago I developed a herald patch on my back which I out down to eczema. One week later I had what looked like insect bites on my stomach. I put it down to my washing power and re-washed all my clothes. Two days later the itching was so intense I went to my doctor who diagnosed it as PR straight away. She perceived menthol cream and told me to take antihisthimines. It has now spread to my chest, back, neck, ears, groin, upper arms and legs and a few patches on my lower arms. I have had no change in my diet prior to PR. I find no cream seems to help dry the rash out but is redder and more aggressive than ever. I hope it goes soon. I feel like no one understands. I haven't been out other than work and am covering up. I don't think I can't stand this for 8 weeks :(. If anyone could tell me what it starts to look like when it's healing?

October 5, 2014 - 10:42am


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