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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

so I have never in my life responded to anyone on anything like this but I just a few weeks ago got blessed with the lovley rash! At first like most of the other people I freaked out thinking it was scabies or ring worm or even worse bed bugs. But instead I was told I get to just go with the flow of the rash and let it run its course. They tell you not to over heat yourself so I didn't tan, I tried taking as cold as showers as I could but nothing was helping. (I go to the gym everyday so I assumed the sweating was helping it spread) then I kept reading and reading and so many people said go to the tanner. So I started tanning and after just two sessions I couldn't believe the results!! I'm telling you it really works! They still aren't gone but they don't itch at all, haven't spread, and are getting more back to my normal skin tone. As for your itching now unfortunately I just used hydrocortisone cream before bed to take off the edge. But seriously try the tanner. I was in a place where I'd try anything why not get a nice tan for the summer while you're at it :p

March 17, 2015 - 10:15pm


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