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Hi everyone, I'm a 17 year old girl who is also suffering from this awful rash. I just got diagnosed about 2 days ago. And when the doctor told me there was absolutely nothing she could do for me but to tell me to wait it out, I had a meltdown. I am nearing the end of my second week with the outbreak and every morning I wake up I seem to have yet a few more on my torso, now spreading down my arms. I really need for me to have my normal skin back because I am a dancer and have an EXTREMELY important event coming up next Thursday and I need to look my absolute best. i have done the most research on this evil rash that I can possibly do. I see a lot of people try tanning.. Unfortunately skin cancer runs in the family so that will not be an option for me. I am desperate for help so if anyone can give me any other information on how to get rid of these red itchy bumps I would be forever grateful... Thank you all so much

March 19, 2015 - 5:43pm


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