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EmpowHER Guest

I noticed my herald lesion about 10 days ago. Within 48 hours, I had full blown rash all over my tummy, back, breasts, a few on my upper arms, neck, and upper legs. Some bumps were bigger, some were tiny specks that seemed to come and go depending on how heated my body was. My skin was burning and so itchy. I was taking Benadryl around the clock and smothering every and any OTC cream I could get my hands on to minimize the itching. Being that my father is a retired physician, I knew with 99% certainty that I had the "pity." My unsympathetic dermatologist confirmed the diagnosis at seven days in. He offered no help but to give me some slightly more intense cream. I was disheartened and angry. I decided to try what some of the ladies on this forum suggested... Washing with Selsun Blue and hitting the tanning salon. I signed up for a free trial week. I am thrilled to report that after two 10 minute sessions, the rash has started to dry up, rarely itches, and is significantly less noticeable. Being a mommy of a four year old and an elementary school teacher, I am thrilled that I feel like I am beating this thing so I can enjoy spring break with my daughter. The one thing I suggest you stay away from besides the sweating is chlorine. I swam twice and each time, the redness, rash, and itching was intensified severely after. TRY THE TANNING SALON IF YOU HAVE NOT! No dermatologist is going to tell you to go to one, but they probably have never suffered the wrath of the "pity" and have no business telling you to just wait it out when there is something to help!

March 22, 2015 - 7:30pm


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