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So heres my story ...
I noticed this flat red spot,sorta big, on my upper leg/lower stomache on the left and didn't think anything of it really and then maybe a wk later I broke out on the left side on my ribs and stomache it was SO ITCHY and I didn't know what it was I thought maybe it was an allergic reaction to body wash or lotion so I quit using all that. Nothing helped. I thought maybe it was hives or something so I went to the doctor and she didn't no what it was she thought maybe it was eczema so she prescribed steroids and a fungal cream none of that worked. I covered myself in coconut oil and peppermint oil and took soda baths and saltwater baths and that didn't seem to help much. Calamine lotion seemed to ease the itching a little. So I did some research and I diagnosed myself to having pityriasis rosea. I Think I've had it for about 3 or 31/2 wks and I'm going crazy!!!! Today I put rubbing alcohol on it and it seemed to make them look dark or like ther fading but I'm not getting my hopes up.(it's now on my upper legs,both sides of my stomache up to my armpits,and on my back).if it Is pityriasis rosea I think I'm going to go to the tanning bed to see if that will help! This site has been really helpful!

March 22, 2015 - 8:17pm


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