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EmpowHER Guest

Hello everyone-
Maybe a few years ago, I started to noticed small red patches show up on my breast. Very periodically, there would be one or maybe two that showed up but would disappear in a day or so. I initially thought that maybe they came from the hot water from the showers I took so I didn't really pay no mind. Fast forward to about a month ago...I noticed that about six or so of them started to show up on my breast, I tried not to pay them no mind so for the next few days I tried not to pay attention...but then they started to spread, they spread all over my breast and onto my sides and back...then started to spread a little on my arms and a few on my legs. After about a eek or so after the initial breakout, it was everywhere.

Now of course at this point, like many here, I was freaking out and made an appt to see my Doctor. My mind was going all over the place as to what this might be...I was researching every rash on the internet, cancer, everything. I was wondering if it was a possible allergic reaction to something I ate? A new perfume?? It was weird because I usually never have allergic reactions to anything, so this freaked me out. When I finally went into my Doctors she looked and knew what it was right away. She pointed out the herald patch at which was off to my side and another on my back. The one on my side was big and had a ring around it. She basically said the same things I've read online, that there really isn't a cure because they don't know what causes it and it could last from six to eight weeks. She prescribed me some hydrocortisone cream and wanted me to take that and Benadryl for two weeks and if it didn't start to clear up to contact her and she would send the pictures to dermo.

Now although, I was already using the hydrocortisone cream and Benadryl a week prior, I decided to follow the Doctors orders. After about four or five days I wasn't really seeing a difference. So I came back to this site and read a lot of these stories and decided to try some of the things I read. I started washing with Head and Shoulders shampoo, I would rub steroid cream on the rash (I only did this for like five days or so, be careful because it can thin out your skin and create stretch marks if you use it too much), I would also use the coconut oil to moisturize. And after doing this for about a week, I noticed a vast improvement...I have started taking Zinc, Vitamin C and a multi-vitamin for my skin and to help boost my metabolism. Now I am in a healing stage where the rash is completely gone and my scars are starting to disappear, everything is almost gone.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who gave tips on what could possibly help, obviously everyone is different so not everything will work the same on everybody. This is what worked for ME, but it took some experimenting here and there to get to this place. I wanted to share my story to let people know that it will get better, its a scary thing and can create anxiety that could go thru the roof, but hang in there...IT WILL GET BETTER. It is very important that you go to your Doctor and get diagnosed to make sure Pityriasis Rosea is what you have and that its not something else. I am happy that when I update my Doctor I will have positive news :)

October 17, 2015 - 9:32pm


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