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Hi Everyone, Wow...what a journey I've had. I've re-read my posts and have to celebrate that I have learned so much and feel so much better. Starting with the loss of 30 lbs. yay!! I'm still convinced that the progesterone cream was the cause of my wrist pain. What I have found is that my thyroid has been a big issue when it comes to hormones, pain, inflammation, etc. May I suggest that you read Suzy Cohen's Thyroid Healthy and check out Isabelle Wentz's book on Hashimotos. These books have changed my life and have caused me to be more of an advocate regarding my thyroid. I doubt I will ever feel like I did pre-menopause, I'm healthier and addressing my thyroid but this has made a huge difference. Most doctors only check TSH. Educate yourself, you may need a tweek. Also, gluten and dairy are inflammatory (even a little bit can cause pain). Still have not been able to tolerate even a little bio-identical hormones...so a little frustrating. Food is medicine and thyroid health affects hormones. Don't go solely by TSH, need to get T3 and T4 levels tested. Stress is also a VERY BIG FACTOR (adrenal fatigue causes me pain as well). I just recently found out that your adrenals take over making hormones after the ovaries slow down. So, if you are stressed, you are going to be at a disadvantage. Tryptophan, Gaba, L-theanine and Magnesium supplements have also helped me sleep and heal. Lastly, sugar. I know :(, very difficult to get out of your diet. It's so addictive. But it is also very inflammatory. If you have pain, eliminating some high sugar foods (including processed carbs) can bring relief. See JJ Virgin's books. So..thyroid/good food/sleep/supplements and lastly exercise! Good luck, made these changes (over time) and I'm not looking back. I feel so much better. Not perfect, but better. Hugs (Joann)

March 30, 2015 - 10:19am


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