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I'm 38. Had my first pcyst while 8 months pregnant in 1999. I was 20. It was lanced and packed with gauze. Painful experience each time my husband had to clean and repack the area. It had not returned again until 2010 or 2011. Lanced again but no packing with gauze. Only folded gauze into affected area and taped larger gauze over area. It's 2017 and the Pcyst has returned. I could feel pain in the area as early as Feb 2017. Saw doctor and got antibiotics. That seemed to work as the pain subsided. Recently, Tuesday in fact....I was sitting in a poorly padded seat for a period of 2-3 hours. I did little to no body weight shifting. When I arose I noticed extreme pain in the tailbone area. Pcyst seems to have formed as a result of this incident. I did bruise my coccyx at age 10 or 12. It looks like Pcyst is forever. I'll do my best to keep watch on how I'm sitting and I've gotten a coccyx cushion now. I'm in pain as I type lying on my belly. These cysts are the worst. I very rarely get sick or need medical attention except for when the pcyst shows it ugly head. I'm hirsute, female, overweight, and previously had tailbone injury.

April 28, 2017 - 5:48pm


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