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(reply to MissMelissa)

Hi MissMelissa... I only learnt about Aspies today, I have read for about 15 hours today and found a lot of Aspies are self diagnosed, where I'm lucky is I have a partner that I thought was a Narcissist but after all the information i read today he's definitely an AS. I am 60 and he is 57. I read on all website that covered his personality 100% Aspie
please GOOGLE Dude, I'm an Aspie, this guy is Amazing. Sweetheart an Aspie will never change, so you need to learn about Aspies and make the correct choice for you... With me being 60, owning my own home, I have no intention of marrying anyone and he is the same... when he becomes unbearable I have always told him to go home or I go home, only because I can. I tried to break it off with him a 100 times but he just ignores it. BUT, he is also one of the most beautiful people I've ever met, it just takes him a few days to work out in his own head what I was upset about, then all is fine till the next problem... but I adore him. I'm a very affectionate person which is not something you get much from an Aspie. I've been with him for three years now, will it last? who knows.... So I will do what I've learnt from "Dude, I'm an Aspie" if I can't handle it, I will have to put me first. It's a lot harder for a married person. Please keep in touch and let us all know how you are.... We all care and can help each other.... Still Learning from Australia

May 26, 2015 - 3:06am


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