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Anonymous (reply to Cary Cook BSN RN)

Thanks for your response. My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship, and don't see each other as often as most couples. We have been doing the pull-out method for over 14 years and never have had a scare. However, you are right - there are safer ways. I cannot fathom that I am pregnant, and I can't seem to buy a test yet. In my research, alot of my symptoms matched those for pregnancy and perimenopause. I was surprised how similar they were.
Anyway, still no period and I feel good. No cramps, breast soreness, bloatiness, etc. The fatigue has lessened. If I were pregnant, wouldn't I be feeling some of the signs? I also mislead you on the discharge. It is more clear than watery. It is like excess egg whites. I have experienced this slightly before in my cycle, but not as much as now. I was wondering if it was a sign for something.
I need to do a pregnancy test, but I would like my boyfriend here when I do it. He can't come for two weeks, and I don't know if I should wait that long. I do feel fine and have no signs of pregnancy except a missed period. I feel ridiculous because I am too old and should have been smarter. I am still hopeful it is just perimenopause or something else not serious.

I don't want to take too much of your time, but my last period was very light, and my boyfriend and I didn't even have sex that month. Then I got the stomach flu which led to a yeast infection. I was treated with diflucan. For over a year I have been using a bioidentical hormone cream that I get from my doctor, but for some reason I quit using about a week before my period. I didn't feel like I needed it. Could any of this explain a very late period? I am sort of grasping at straws, but my period has never been late in my life.
Actually the thought that my periods could be ceasing due to early menopause seems okay to me because I really dislike my period. On the other hand, I always wanted a child, but sort of gave up on the dream awhile ago - although I never gave it up completely. I guess that is why I am so scared to find out my answer. Life is scary sometimes.

July 14, 2010 - 9:48am


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