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(reply to Anonymous)

There is no safe time to have sex, unfortunately. Having unprotected sex 1 week before your period starts can still be a fertile period for you.

What you are reading about "most fertile time is 2 weeks before period starts" is just an AVERAGE, not a guarantee. Most women, most of the time, ovulate around the "day 14" of their cycle, which is about 2 weeks before their period.

However, you can be fertile for MUCH longer than this exact "day", as many women ovulate anywhere between "day 7" to "day 20". You may be perfectly regular in your cycle, but then ovulate at an "off" time for a few cycles for no apparent reason. Additionally, sperm can live inside our bodies for 3-5 days after intercourse, so the fertile window increases even more, as the sperm can be "waiting" for an egg to be released.

Women can ovulate at any time during their cycle. There is no guaranteed safe time to have unprotected sex.

I am happy to read that you will be using backup protection when you miss pills. I hope my information helps, and I'm happy to explain the fertile period in more depth if you are interested!

July 15, 2010 - 1:11pm


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