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Plan B can cause irregular bleeding, as well as breakthrough bleeding (spotting or light bleeding in-between periods). It sounds like you have had only one episode of irregular period/breakthrough bleeding, once I typed out the dates.

Most of the periods you described were either expected or during a time when you would be expecting them within your regular 28-day cycle:
July 8th: period began as expected (after taking Plan B)
July 22nd-ish: period that was not expected, 2 weeks after last period
August 8th: period that occurs during your usual cycle length

Now, August 17th: no period, experiencing symptoms/cramping

When I typed out the actual dates, and took out the "second" and "third" descriptors, it looks like your periods are within normal range. You had one period that was "irregular" (July 22nd-ish), and this is normal after taking Plan B.

Plan B can cause irregular periods for a cycle or two.

Since you have not had a period yet with your symptoms today, wait and see if you start bleeding, or if it is just spotting ("breakthrough"). This is also normal.

For future:
If you start bleeding with these symptoms you are experiencing now, and then also have your expected period around September 8th, this could still be some lasting effects from Plan B. Nothing harmful, just a mega dose of hormones that takes your body a few cycles to get adjusted to with its own hormones.

If you have another irregular period or more breakthrough bleeding AFTER your September 8th-ish regular period, it may be good to call your doctor to check and ask.

Does this help?

August 17, 2010 - 1:36pm


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