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(reply to Juicyyy)

I am so glad to hear back from you!

Please know that I was not as concerned about the one incident you keep referring to right after your period. That was one time, and the "heat of the moment" can capture anyone. Emergency contraception is made for these moments, and when birth control fails.

What concerned me was the ADDITIONAL unprotected sex that you are counting as "all-in-one", but please know the MORE times you have unprotected sex, the GREATER your chances of pregnancy. You made one "mistake" ("mistake" meaning unprotected sex when you do not want to be pregnant), but then after that...you are making a deliberate choice...I believe FIVE times!!...to have unprotected sex. It does not take educating yourself...you already know that is how pregnancy happens. That is just what concerned me---the additional choices you made after the initial sex-after-period. (Even if it was all in the same day or same week, they all count as different episodes).

I'm sorry you are not feeling well. It could be many things: being worried, effects from the EC, upcoming period, flu, etc.

Can you tell me:
- When was the date of your last menstrual period (the first day of bleeding)
- When are you expecting your next period (are your cycles regular)?
- What was the date of the last time you had unprotected sex?

And...how does your boyfriend feel about wearing a condom?

Let us know if you need any help contacting the doctor, or have any other questions about sex, birth control, etc.

August 29, 2010 - 6:09pm


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