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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Im just lost 98 pounds from being morbidly obese dealing with hyothyroidism hoshimoto disease my Endo dr is regulating the dosage of levothyroxine , however since my body with a harmone test came back im in menopause now hot sweats at night not terrible they come for a few minutes and leave, total insomnia since all this happened i mean i know my body between harmon changes, loosing 98 lbs, is like trying to adjust itself im too afraid to start with harmon replacement because it can cause breast cancer, blood clots so I opted not to start
How ever im a lefty and im always carrying heavy stuff with me and i started to have this like muscle type pain under my left armpit so i told my GYN and asked to have it ultra sounded now every year i get a sono and a mammogram last year i didnt for what ever reason now me and my mom have cystic breasts so last year for the first time they thought they saw something to have my left breast rechecked with a spot check that hurt only because they smash that part of your boob really hard but thank god no ultra sound needed it was just not a clear picture prior...
Now with this years ultra sound of my left armpit and breast i was watching the tech we saw on the left side of my left breast like a large lima bean shaped spot naturally i got scared and was freaking out thinking the cancer word... she said well no its probably your lymph node but i want to measure from your nipple to that area to make sure the rradiologist has good pictures
She came back after showing him and she said its fine so i said its not cancer whats causing my like muscle type pain? she said well you have a large lymph node where you said it was a little tender but thats normal alot of weman have all size Lymph nodes he said not to worry about it the report said seems to be normal .. follow up well of course i will but this time im going with ultra sound and mammo
Should i be concerned my GNY saw the report he said that armpit pain is nothing to worry about well he's reading radiologist report as i did... but the tech said to me look your 53 now in menopause you just lost alot of weight 98 lbs, your hamones and lymphatic system too are probably all trying to adjust to how your body is changing is that right i mean its a weird feeling GYN, my internist hand felt my armpit and breast didnt feel any lumps... so should i be concerned?

May 31, 2014 - 7:31pm


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