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After two weeks of extreme arm pain due to receiving the 2010 flu shot I googled: "Arm pain after 2010 flu shoot," and found this site...

The needle wasn't painful going in, but as the medicine entered my arm I felt immediate discomfort deep in my arm. It felt like they may have hit the tendon, or the feeling of a large amount of medicine being injected into the muscle to quickly. I immediately had the urge to rub my arm to distribute the medicine in the muscle, but the needle wasn't removed yet, so I didn't. I figured: It's a shot, your supposed to feel something.
I felt immediate soreness deep in my arm, and that soreness remains today two weeks later. I figured it would pass. It hasn't! My arm became very painful within hours of receiving the 2010 flu shot. I could barely raise my arm in any direction, nor extend it forward or back without extreme pain. My arm aches day and night, but movements like crossing my arm in front of my body, or pulling a shirt off over my head is so painful it's nearly unachievable and absolutely unbearable. The pain is constant in my upper arm, but extends up my neck, and down my shoulder blade in the back. It has not subsided, and the muscle at the site of my injection remains sore to the touch. (Two weeks later). The following day all my major joints were aching like toothaches. Thankfully that passed in about 5 or 6 days. No I did not have the live virus. I was perfectly healthy with no pain ANYWHERE 5 minutes before the shot.

I don't think it has anything to do with where I got the shot. (Hospital pharmacy) There is extra volume in the 2010 flu shot this year, because the excess 2009 H1N1 vaccines (no one would take last year) and they were incorporated into the vaccine of 2010.
I have not had a decent's night sleep, or a pain free day since the flu shot did this to my arm!

December 3, 2010 - 3:34pm


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