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Anonymous (reply to Cary Cook BSN RN)

Hello Cary. Thank you for the advice, I have decided to try to cut down on sugar for a while to assist the thrush illimination, and have been eating bio yoghuts too, so with any luck that will help - I hadn't linked it to the bruised immune system though - but that would make sense - thank you, it gives me hope. As for the hips - my trouble is with the pair of them equally and it dosent feel like bone ache - not that I know what that feels like I suppose, more like the aches you get from flu, only in my hips. I havent run for about three to four weeks as I thought it best to rest (and havent had the energy!) but was thinking of starting back again tomorrow. I dont run for very long (or very far!) as I'm not really built for it! Do you think the food poisoning would have stopped the periods too? The nurse I spoke to seemed to think it possible but made no comment when I told her my hips were aching. Emma.

October 18, 2010 - 7:23am


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