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EmpowHER Guest

I hope you are feeling better. I had cryoabulation on the 21st. My doctor put me out for the procedure. I can't imagine being awake, but I need sedation for dentistry too. But this was normal procedure for my dr. I live 10 min away and by the time I got home I hurt so bad. I took an ibup and 2 vicadon. Cried until the paid eased after about an hour. Then four hours later I felt nausea and couldn't bring myself to take anymore pain meds of any kind. On the 2nd day I layed on the couch for the day and today, the 3rd day I tried to make myself do more and I've started bleeding different from the watery discharge. So I'm going to take it easy for a few more days. Bummer that I don't feel back to normal yet, but I figured I was going to be more sore since I had my luminara app the day before procedure. That app really hurt and I had to take vicadon. I'm hoping the occasional cramping goes away to I feel mobile soon.

October 23, 2010 - 8:38pm


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