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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Yes. It is true! I did the pull put method about 5 months ago and that was 4-5 days before my expected period. I was so happy to have my period then my next period was really light and 3 days early it gradually got heavier. I was still really worried and scared because there is always that possibility but if you have been having your normal periods then you don't need to worry about it if it was really light like pink then I would but since 3 more months have passed I have had my normal periods. Trust me don't stress yourself about it. Because of stressing myself so much I couldn't stop worrying this has also caused me not getting full after meals and that had added to my worries. I hope this helps you I have been so stressed out that I haven't enjoyed life for 5 months almost 6. Your period is the shedding of the uterin lining which sheds if your NOT pregnant. I hope this helps you i know that it can be hars . try and stop worrying.

November 16, 2014 - 11:53am


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