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Hey so I had sex on November 27th and I had a light period in December then a very heavy one in January. My next period is due around the 20th of this month. I have abdominal pain and my boobs are a little bigger than normal. I was pregnant in October but had a miscarriage. The way I feel now is the same way I felt when I was pregnant the first time. I didn't even know I was pregnant the first time because I took 3 pregnancy tests and they all came back negative. I just thought it was my period until I was having really bad cramps to the point where I needed to see a doctor. It was then that I found out I was pregnant. In November when I had sex it hurt SOOO bad (worse than anything I have ever felt) and we stopped. I haven't had sex since because of that. But the pregnancy symptoms are all here. Another reason I think it may be pregnancy is because I also have a cold. I did my research and I found that it isn't really common to have the stomach flu along with the common cold. Has this happened to anyone else?

February 10, 2016 - 10:24am


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