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(reply to Anonymous)

You actually answered your own question, in your original post! You are 16 years old, have irregular cycles....and have not started your period this cycle yet.

I did not read if you posted this already, but what was the date of your LMP (last menstrual period)? (The first day of bleeding). I'm just curious how "late" you are, but please know a range of 21-35 days is normal, and nothing to be concerned about.

If you are still concerned, you may want to use this time to "check in" with yourself, and wonder what else is going on, after you have received so much information about your period, pregnancy and sex. Do you think your choice to have sex occurred before you were emotionally ready? Do you think that might be what you are more anxious about, and are having negative feelings about this, and are feeling like because you've had sex in your lifetime, your chances of pregnancy are increased...even though this only occurs if sex happened during a cycle and you did not have your period that same cycle.

Does that make sense?

October 24, 2010 - 2:17pm


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