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EmpowHER Guest

Hi recently two days ago,my bf fingered me.This was how it went,in the morning I went to his house and we make out.He suddenly finger me however he did not touched his own penis.Until we went out and had pizza,he went to wash his hands with soap.after washing he went to take a piss,after that he went to wash his hands agn(this time without soap) we then we shopping and all before we end the day with me going bk to his house once again.He fingered me once agn,I am asking as I am worried I might be pregnant. As I have researched and people claim that sperms may be contained in urine. The only time he came in contact with his penis was when he took a piss.however before that we didnt had any intercourse nor did he ejaculate,it was normal pissing.and before he touched me,his hands were dry I knw its abit long winded to ask but I'm worried,may I knw am I ppregnant??

June 19, 2015 - 6:47am


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