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So, my boyfriend and I were messing around a little. We were lying down, and I started to give him a blowjob. When he came, it got a little messy, and the semen may have gotten on his hands, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, we sat there for a little bit and I saw a lot of the semen dry up, but not all of it. He wiped himself off with some clothes that were tossed to the side, but I'm not sure how cleaned off he was. We kissed a little, for probably thirty seconds to a minute, and then he went down on me, with fingers and his mouth.

I'm worried that I may have gotten pregnant, because I'm not sure how long or even if the semen survived. This is really stressing me out, because my parents don't know I'm sexually active, and I don't have a car to go to the clinic to buy the morning after pill. I'm really worried and I just need some advice. Thank you.

August 4, 2015 - 10:22pm


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