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Hi! I was hoping to get another opinion.. I had unprotected sex on April 30th. He was not close to coming and he was only in me for like 15 seconds. I was still worried about Pre ejaculation fluid though and I found out it happened on one of my fertile days so I took plan b 12 hours later. I had bleeding six days later like a normal period and it lasted for seven days. However, this was two weeks before my scheduled period (which is tomorrow or so) for a couple days now I have been experiencing cramping, back pain, slight nausea, and slight breast pain. I usually get cramps and back pain before and during a period, but not the other symptoms! I called the plan b hotline for more information and they say the bleeding is just a side effect of plan b and I should be expecting my period this month. But I've read otherwise on some of these sites! Some women had the bleeding two weeks early and no period until the next month! Does anyone have any experience with this? Or can tell me my chances of being pregnant? I would really appreciate it!

May 19, 2016 - 5:12am


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