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Anonymous (reply to carlotta.cooper3)

When I got pregnant with my first and only child I had light spotting when my period was due. It is often referred to as implantation bleeding. The blank test was probably a dud, but if ur really worried about it then go to ur Dr and ask them for a pregnancy test. I've known more people with false negatives than false positives. But paranoia is good, make sure you always use protection if you are gonna have sex. Preferably two forms, condoms and some female form we well, whether it be pill birth control, or an iud or other kind of implant. It is very important to be proactive about preventing pregnancy is you aren't ready for children. You also must recognize that no form of birth control works 100% of the time, except abstinence. And while ideal for some people in theory, it only works in practice if you can actually stick to it, which many people adults and teens alike, can't do. Also, knowing how to put on a condom is important, they won't work if you don't put it on right.

Also, be prepared for the possibility of pregnancy, talk with your sexual partner about what they would want to do if you were to become pregnant despite all efforts to the contrary. Think about how you would want to handle it. It's best to have an idea of that before it happens.

June 19, 2011 - 2:50pm


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