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EmpowHER Guest

Married over 33 years. I went to therapy because I wanted to jump out of a moving car--I believed I was such a horrible person and needed help--only to find out I have been at the receiving end of verbal, emotional, physiological, financial, gaslighing, etc. abuse for over 33 years. I don't have a job because I was severely injured over 4 years ago....He says 'he'll try'. 24 hours later he wants a blue ribbon for being good, and when I say I expect nothing less, he starts up again. He went to two sessions of therapy--and insists he wants to try--yet at the first attempt at a discussion, it starts again. I tried to ask if we should separate, he interrupts and continues for another 15-20 minutes, then I try again, then he interrupts again, and this goes on for over 2 hours. He does not want to solve conflicts, he loves and thrives on conflict. Our children are grown. What is the use in 'seeing' if 'he'll try'? I haven't ever heard of or read of a single person that says, "Hang in there! My husband got help and changed and our marriage is wonderful!" What am I waiting for?

March 22, 2015 - 12:19am


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