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EmpowHER Guest

The past month i have been struggling with getting a divorce. I have been with this man for 12 years and he claims to be a christian but i cant see it. I feel as though i have been emotionally abused nothing i did was ever right nothing was good enough i felt pushed aside emotionally and financially Because he was going to do for his son like buying race bicycles sprint cars airsoft guns and so on and so forth. There is to many things to list as far as why i feel the way i do but i do know thst i have become very detached sexually emotionaly and physically I could careless about anything any more. The one thing that keeps me here is this covenant that i made with him and god 8 years ago. How can i get past this? My kids left because of the things he has said and done but he always tries to turn things around to make it like he is the "good guy " i feel trapped. I left in 2012 but came back for insurance and also he wouldnt leave me alone we went to counseling and he came home with a book about a father and son and the game of football our marriage was never worked on ive just flat given up. Any advice ?

April 18, 2015 - 6:20pm


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