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(reply to Anonymous)

I feel bad that your going through this. Your not alone, matter of fact your husband sounds like a deadringer of mines. I had bad credit, so we put our house in his name too. During an argument I told him to just "get out of my room". He said " this isn't your house, your name isn't even on it". I felt so insignificant, small you know. Telling this man how I'm feeling was like speaking to a brick wall. He would always without fail tell me if that's the way you feel that's on you. We've been to counseling, ive prayed, he blames me for all of our issues. He disrespects me in front of our daughter. I also didn't live around my own family, I know how you feel. I finally got the courage to take our daughter and walk away. Left a beautiful 3,000 sq. home, crammed with beautiful things. So happy I did, I can breath again, lose this weight and have a sound mind. Now I'm not telling you to leave your husband, but I'm telling you the reality is emotional abusers do not change. I've lived it hun, no matter how many times I cried, prayed, or pleaded with him to hear me, nothing changed. One day your going to have to make a decision to save yourself, your mind, and your children need to witness a healthy relationship.

May 1, 2015 - 5:24pm


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