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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi, I'm a man that has a history of being the way your saying your husband was to you... Until about three years ago.. it was as if I didn't even recognize the way I was treating my amazing wife.. We got married in 2001 and have two children together.. I have mistreated her for many years and she stuck by my side.. I've called her name after name, and demeaned her... I cheated on her quite a few times unknown to her until 4 years ago.. I always made her out to be wrong in every situation, and even when she was right, I made feel guilty for being right, as if she was wrong in being right... She warned me time after time that if I didn't change she was leaving... And all I could respond with was I'm who I am, I've always been me, I'm not changing for anything.. Well three years ago, she had finally had enough and after many warnings she left... Ever since she left we have remained married on paper, we share in responsibility of the children(they live with her) not not one moment has gone by that I do not regret the way I treated her and through long talks(at first many heated arguments) we have worked through alot of our differences... But the hesitation remains, in her allowing us to try again to be together... She says she has forgiven me, and I know she loves me.... But she says she just doesn't know if she can ever be IN love with me... again... The many years of verbal and emotional abuse have driven a huge void in her ability to feel love for me (or anyone) the way she once did... And my apologies and regrets will never amount to nothing in comparison.. To the damage years of abuse have caused.... She is truly an amazing woman to endure what I have put her through, and through years of soul searching and growth, I can barely live with myself knowing the horrible husband (child) that I was.... I don't know if we can ever get past our past, but I'm willing to spend my present, and as much of my future as it takes to show her, and our children that I am a new man.... And have learned what is most important in life, and I know I don't deserve another chance.... But this bond that we had, and still do share(our marriage) does deserve a new start.....

May 4, 2015 - 7:35am


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