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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Thank you for your encouragement. I experienced his another " normal" or "abnormal" burst of anger again yesterday evening. He would lash out his temper virtually over anything, so unpredictable. I have to minimize my contact with him and still, as husband and wife, there are something we have to talk, discuss, clarify. It is really like i am walking on eggshells as he could be triggered by anything. He decides the moods of our family. If he is in good mood, we can talk and have peaceful interaction. Otherwise, without any sign, he could suddenly raise his voice, intonation, begin to accuse me, blame me. I think I am devastated, stuck in this misery. If I leave, outside there are so much hidden stigma tagged on a divorced woman, "loser", "failure". Staying inside marriage is like living in a hidden hell.

June 29, 2015 - 3:43pm


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