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EmpowHER Guest

Hcg levels indicate whether the pregnancy is progressing. The actual number varies from pregnancy to pregnancy, but the number should double every 48 to 72 hrs until 10 weeks or so when the placenta takes over. Hcg basically tells your body to keep producing progesterone....progesterone is the hormone that stops you from menstruating. When your hcg levels drop low enough, your progesterone levels fall and you start to bleed. Sometimes, when something is wrong, like a chromosome problem, the hcg levels may continue to rise, but not double....a sac may develop and grow but the embryo itself does not develop....often called a blighted ovum or missed miscarriage. Eventually, the hcg levels will usually begin to fall and then bleeding will begin to flush the uterus. I have had 15 miscarriages....most were blighted ovums....my hcg levels usually rise, but not double...and eventually they start to fall. I prefer to miscarry naturally...my doctor usually lets me wait it out until 10 weeks...after that I have a d&c....waiting after 10 weeks can become risky. I know it is difficult, but know that is your hcg levels are falling, there is likely a major chromosomal problem going on, and a miscarriage is a blessing in disguise. My first pregnancy went fine until I learned at 20 weeks that the baby was severely deformed from a chromosome issue..we lost him shortly after. Trust me, I wish I had lost him at 6 weeks instead of 23....it was devastating! Don't give up hope on your next pregnancy....but trust that your body is doing the right thing if you miscarry.....sometimes it is for the best. Grieve, but don't lose hope for the future!

November 12, 2014 - 7:01pm


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