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EmpowHER Guest

I think part of the reason for a higher percentage of older moms (in addition to the male lack of devotion mentioned by a reader above) is the subtle effect of toxins on our fertility as a nation. The hormones in our meat/dairy supply, pesticides in our soil and produce combined with estrogen-like compounds in our plastics ALL cause sub-fertility in our female population. I started trying to have kids at age 29-30. I was not successful in giving birth until age 35 because of fertility issues. I started trying to have my second at age 37 and have still not succeeded despite thousands spent on fertility treatment. Now at age 41, I am not only facing environmental sub-fertility, but also advanced age for conception. Besides fertility, I am the picture of health & fitness. Having been in the "infertility world" for so long, I can tell you that infertility patients are getting younger and younger. The waiting room is no longer filled with old women who waited to long. It is full of 20 to 30-somethings and getting more crowded by the minute. Many of these women will not be successful until they are considered "older moms".

July 22, 2011 - 6:41am


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