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lol I totally understand you 110%. We can have company over and my bf will be wide awake laughing and when they go to leave he'll be sitting in his chair snoring before they even back out of the driveway. Whats really sad also is the toll this takes on my selfesteem. I know its his problem, but i still find myself doubting myself. He constantly tells me im beautiful and sexy, but when he so absent sexually, it goes in one ear and out the other. I never have a problem getting him hard or getting him off when we do have sex. But i do get the feeling he way perfers getting oral sex from me and at times this has also hurt my feelings. Our sexually decline started early on in our relationship. like the second month and weve been together a year now. I have an ex who is in prison and the sex we had was greeaaatt. He's still very much in love with me but has hurt me so bad due to his addiction issues I don't want him back. But i do fear that once he gets out i'lll be tempted to cheat. Just soley for the sex. I hate this. sooooooo frustrating!! One time I got so fed up I just took off , went to a friends all nite w/o even calling. I waltzed in at like 11am, he was sleeping like a baby and NEVER even questioned where id been!!

September 1, 2011 - 10:15pm


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