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Hi Melissa,

I believe I've told you before but we cannot help you with your more detailed and personal questions and yet you seem to not understand that. We have given you all general information and resources on your condition(s) and unfortunately, we cannot go beyond that-- it's simply out of our scope. 

You were at your doctors yesterday-- why did you not ask him this? You need to be an advocate for yourself-- take your time at your doctor's visit and ask him questions. As an online resource, we do not have access to your medical records or history. Even if we could see your ultrasound results, we wouldn't know how to interpret these as it takes a doctor to do so. Any and all questions that pertain to your condition must go to your doctor. Call him, email him, or set up another appointment but get all of your questions answered through the only person who can answer them.

Here's a link to some massage therapy you can perform on your tight pectoral muscles: http://www.livestrong.com/article/346730-massage-therapy-for-pectoral-muscles/


January 12, 2012 - 6:25am


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