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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

This comment is for the eye rollers to the anonymous post about clean eating: Wow... people can make some harsh judgements when they don't really know your story, huh? How do you know this person hasn't suffered that bad just because they found a way to cope? We're all suffering this disease together, first of all... so let's not jump down anyone's throat for trying to EMPOWER HERSELF and SHARE her discoveries (isn't this site called EmpowHer?). I've suffered with boils the size of tennis balls, but I also ate a ton of refined sugar. I found a diet that works for me and did a lot of cleansing and I don't suffer from huge boils anymore. I still get some here and there, but I definitely notice it's when I eat sugar or gluten and it happens around the time I get my period. So that makes me think, "this is a pattern, what can I DO to CHANGE it?" It's not that people who get bad boils are eating totally unhealthy... but that maybe there are certain foods that can trigger the boils. These foods can even be thought of as healthy... like tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes. Since the medical field obviously isn't going to help, it's about finding things that do help YOU and YOUR individual body. I agree, I've suffered all the same emotions, but there came a point when I decided I wasn't going to suffer anymore, and I decided to deal and not let the disease control my life.

June 9, 2012 - 12:57pm


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