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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I have met several people with HS. And like you say, there are other triggers. I am in phase 2 and so close to phase 3 that no assistance from the medical community forced me to seek alternative treatment. My post was to simply enlighten some as I am meeting people every week who are recently diagnosed or self diagnosed and asking about HS. I tend to steer people towards a better diet for many reasons. It was simply another point of view not mentioned in the article and if it helped one person then great. I did not "cure" my HS, I just took control of it. With every bite of food, I have to ask myself if it is worth the consequences. I make the choice. Sometimes I make a bad choice and pay for it.

I applaud the author of the article. Any news on the street about HS is good news. Obviously there are several drug companies taking notice and doing studies to see if existing drugs will also help HS sufferers. Like the disease itself, there are many opinions. For many years I just sat by and took it as my fate. I'm very empowered now that I have HS and HS doesn't have me. While my ways may not work for one, hopefully my lifestyle will impact ONE person. If so, then great, I made a difference instead of sitting by and letting this horrific disease keep me down, embarrassed, depressed, etc.

June 9, 2012 - 1:47pm


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