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Hello Anonymous,

You may have orthostatic hypotension, which is also called postural hypotension. It is a form of low blood pressure that results when you stand up for sitting or lying down. Orthostatic hypotension can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded. Sometimes, it may cause you to faint.

Make an appointment with your physician because orthostatic hypotension can sometimes indicate a more serious medical problem.

Orthostatic hypotension occurs when something interrupts the body's natural process of counteracting low blood pressure. Heart problems, such as bradycardia, which is an extremely low heart rate, and heart valve problems can cause orthostatic hypotension.

Diabetes can damage the nerves that help send signals which regulate blood pressure.

Since this is happening almost all the time, you must find the cause.


July 2, 2012 - 4:20pm


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