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Anonymous (reply to sunshinegirl23)

My doctor made me sign a waiver as well and I expected that. I was told no side effects as well. Anything that is bio-identical is still a drug and can have side effects. The estradiol pellet is made from soy/the testosterone pellet is made from yams...not solely, but with other unknown ingredients...and that sounds healthy...as a selling point. My oncologist told me that the reason women in the Far East have less incidents of cancer is because they do not have the Westernized diet and consume soy. Their bodies are used to soy...our bodies are not. All the soy products have been so modified like soy milk, soy burgers, tofu, etc. that soy is no longer healthy in that state. The only safe soy is edamame pods eaten in small portions. My hair started growing back because the testosterone made it thin terribly. Testosterone and heredity is what make some men bald. My diet has been clean for almost 20 years, so I cleaned it up more adding biotin vitamins and being properly nourished. What is consumed on the inside, shows on the outside. Ask any hairdresser. I hear you with menopausal symptoms and that is what brought me to taking the Sottopelle pellet: poor sleep, no energy, irritability, zero libido, hot flashes all the time and more. It was not until my diet was cleaned up that I noticed a natural improvement in the hormonal balance of my body. Without taking hormones now for two years, I sleep 8-9 hrs./ night and have maintained my weight at age 61 now at 120-125 and am 5'7" tall. After my experience, to answer your questions about the creams being less harmful, it is a gamble because they are drugs too simply put on the skin, bypassing the liver, but still will get in your system. Prior to starting Sottopelle back in my early 50's and tried the creams prescribed by doctor, went to health foud store, etc...threw enough money away to own a store and it still did not work. Even having my testosterone levels with Sottopelle boosted to 600 (mid-men's range) it did nothing for my libido, but did give me energy and also made me mean and aggressive. No two humans on this planet are wired the same and must work their own machine. If I had it all over to do again, I would have never taken Sottopelle and re-thought my diet and maintaining a regular lifestyle of sleep and eating times. This is the only thing that works for me now. As far as Sottopelle...caveat emptor. The hormone doctors hype it, however every MD I had to see during my cancer surgeries said to stay far away from it. Feel free to keep in touch!

July 17, 2014 - 3:07am


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