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Hello I'm 22 and so is my partner I have 2 kids (not my partners they have same dad but I have no contact with him what so ever) anyway me and my partner have been together over a year and tonight I spoke to him about making love and he calls it just 'sex' now, we used to say 'making love' and do it atleast twice a week, but since he's had this new job he's been there about a month now on 2pm - 10pm shifts, he hasn't been intrested in me what so ever other then bj's and hand jobs.. He don't touch me and it's killing me I told him tonight that I don't even know when I can and can't touch him (hugging kissing or touching him down there) and his reply was that he gives me permission to have 'sex' with someone else... and that i cant bring them back here or get pregnant by them.. who the fuck does he think i am... i told him i dont want to have 'sex' because i just want 'sex' its because i like spending time with him and doing something with just me and him. His reply to that was its because i have kids and he works we dont spend nights as i have got the girls with school but weekends hes not even intrested.. im fuming I'm that upset I can't believe he's said that... I've mentioned if he's met someone else at this new job as it's since he's started there and it's not... I've asked if it's me. And he said its just because he don't want 'sex' he's bored and it feels the same everytime the last time we had it was last week on Friday today is Sunday.. it's really getting me down I've told him it makes me feel like he's not attracted to me in that way and he's just said to think about what he said about sleeping with someone else!!! I don't want to and I never will!! It's really hurt me him saying that....
Can I have some advice please I don't know what to do :(

November 27, 2016 - 2:31pm


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