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EmpowHER Guest

I am having similar issues. I have been with my boyfriend for a little over a year now, and he has so many great qualities (respectful, honest, stable), however, he has trouble showing me affection. I was in a previous relationship for almost 8 years with a man who showed me so much passion and love, however, it did not work out due to other issues. I feel that the lack of affection and sex in my current relationship is definitely taking a toll on my self esteem, because i am always the one to initiate sex and affection. 90% of the time I am the one asking for a kiss or asking for sex, and my boyfriend seems disgusted and turned off. He also says that he "is not in the mood" and it makes me feel rejected and unwanted. I am not used to this because my ex boyfriend was very sexual and showed affection all of the time. I love the guy I am with now, and I know that he loves me also, but I need him to be more sexually intimate and affectionate. We have spoken about this issue but he says I am being too sensitive. I hate having to be the one to constantly initiate sex! He is the man! He should be jumping my bones! Like I said, he has great qualities, but I just need more from him. Do I see if he can change or find a new man? Helppp please

January 5, 2017 - 9:40pm


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