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EmpowHER Guest

Ah thank you for this. I'm only a little over a week in and I'm already stressing.

I got my period on the 25th of December and we had sex the the 29th when I still had my period but it was light. The condom broke and even though there's a slim chance of getting pregnant with your period, we bought the pill the next morning just in case and took it which was 11 hours later. Even after a week of the period (mine normally last a full week), I was still spotting for another 5 days. I'm taking this as a good sign but now, a little over a week from taking the pill, I'm nauseous and I just threw up. I'm hoping it's just nerves and me worrying or even late effects from the pill and not a pregnancy. I mean the odds are low because period plus the pill, but I stress too much. Ugh I just want to get my period back so I know I'm good.

January 8, 2016 - 10:43pm


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