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EmpowHER Guest

Thank you so much for saring! This helped reassure me a lot.

I'm a lot like you. Worry when there's probably nothing to worry about.

The condom broke on us about two weeks ago and we immediately went to the drug store. I've had bleeding and other things that I've read other people have had that they take as signs that the pill worked but Im still rather paranoid.

My period shouldn't come for another week and I'm worried it won't because I already had the other bleeding. If it doesn't I'll probably be going to get pregnancy tests which I know is probably uneccessary but still.

My breast just started hurting this morning. I know the pills symptoms can mimic pregnancy symtoms so I feel like it's just that but still... it feels different than usual. Basically everything I've never noticed before I'm noticing and wondering if it's a symptom now. Inspecting my breasts and any discharge.

Im definitely going on birth control after this. I cant deal with the stress uf this happens again.

January 28, 2016 - 11:06am


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