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EmpowHER Guest

I got my period on 5/22. On the last day of my period (5/27) I had unprotected sex. The first time he pulled out. About 15 minutes later he washed himself with soap and then we had unprotected sex again. Again, he pulled out before ejaculating but it went on my thigh. Since 5/28 I have been having terrible cramping and lower back pain. Two days ago my breasts started getting sore. I dont know if I am stressing myself out which could cause these symptoms or if I could be pregnant. I can't possibly wait 2 more weeks without knowing before I can take a pregnancy test. What are the chances? My cycles are normally 28 to 30 days. :( Please give me some reasurrance that I am ok. The stress is killing me.

June 10, 2016 - 5:05pm


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