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EmpowHER Guest

Nov 2018.... I don't know now when they husband post was made but I too have the same problem. I am 42 and the last maybe six months have been having the same issues,mostly the week leading up to my period. Weird Vision.. I can't say it's exactly blurry but it's completely off somehow. I call it woozy eyes,because I can't even explain it. Not to mention aches and pains,stomach problems, trembles and shakes and a general weak feeling. Anxiety,I'm guessing over the other day symptoms but I just don't t know. A seasick feeling on and off too.. feel like I'm walking around like a drunken sailor. For a week, I just want to lay in bed but try not too, then I get my period and it's pretty much gone until the week before the next one. I know it's hormones but it's all almost debilitating somedays. You're not aloneness out there.

November 11, 2018 - 6:17am


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