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Hello Anon

Thank you for writing.

We can't diagnose anything but it could be vertigo.

Vertigo is usually caused by problems in the nerves and structures of the inner ear, called the vestibular system. This system senses the position of your head and body in space as they move. The swishing sound can also indicate vertigo.

Most cases of vertigo occur with nystagmus , an abnormal, rhythmic, jerking eye movement. Other symptoms depend on the condition causing the vertigo.

Symptoms may last only a few seconds, but may come and go for weeks or even years.

Sudden, short (15-30 seconds), intense bursts of dizziness when you move your head a certain way, roll over in bed, or tip your head back to look up. Symptoms do not occur when the head is held still.
Feeling like the room is spinning
Nausea and/or vomiting
Lingering fatigue
Viral Labyrinthitis (Vestibular Neuritis)
Sudden, intense vertigo lasting for several days to one week and often occurring with nausea and vomiting.

Meniere's Disease
Sudden vertigo attacks lasting between minutes and hours and typically occurring with prominent hearing loss and tinnitus.

Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency
True vertigo
Visual disturbances
Difficulty speaking
The doctor will ask about your symptoms, medication intake, and medical history, and perform a physical exam. In addition, the following tests may be performed:

Vestibular maneuvers
Auditory tests
Blood pressure test, both lying down and standing up
Electronystagmogram (ENG)—to check for nystagmus
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) —to look for problems in the brain, such as a stroke or brain tumor
Rotatory chair test in certain situations (for difficult cases)
Auditory evoked potential studies—to check for nerve conduction in the brain auditory nerve and brain stem (severe or persistent cases)

Vertigo due to BPPV, labyrinthitis, or vestibular neuritis may subside on its own, usually within six months of onset (but it may sometimes take longer).

Treatments include:

To treat vertigo and nausea:

Meclizine (Antivert, Bonine, Dramamine, Meclicot, Medivert)
Dimenhydrinate (Calm X, Dinate, Dramamine, Dramanate, Hydrate, Triptone)
Promethazine (Anergan, Antinaus, Pentazine, Phenazine, Phencen, Phenergan, Phenerzine, Phenoject, Pro-50, Promacot, Pro-Med 50, Promet, Prorex, Prothazine, Shogan, V-Gan)
Scopolamine (Transderm-Scop)
Diazepam (Diastat, Diazepam Intensol, Dizac, Valium)
To treat Meniere's disease:

Low-salt diet
Antibiotics injected into the middle ear
Most often used to treat BPPV:

Semont maneuver—The patient is moved rapidly from lying on one side to the other (also called liberatory maneuver).
Epley maneuver—This maneuver involves head exercises to move the loose particles to a place in the ear where they won't cause dizziness. A recent study suggested that patients who demonstrate involuntary eye movements (nystagmus) in the same direction through two steps of the maneuver tend to recover better than those whose eyes move in a different pattern or do not move at all. *
If you continue to experience vertigo, the maneuvers can be repeated, or more difficult maneuvers such as Brandt-Daroff exercises can be done.

Physical therapy can also be helpful.

If symptoms persist for a year or more and cannot be controlled by the maneuvers, several surgical procedures can be performed. A surgical procedure called "canal plugging" may be recommended.

Canal plugging completely stops the posterior semicircular canal's function without affecting the functions of the other canals or parts of the inner ear. This procedure poses a small risk to hearing. Other surgical procedures include removing parts of the vestibular nerve or semicircular canals in the inner ear. Gentamycin injections can also be done. Talk with your doctor to learn more about these injections.

Treatment of the Underlying Cause
Vertigo can be a symptom of another medical condition, such as a heart problem or a neurological problem. Once that condition is treated, vertigo should stop, or, in this case, the underlying medical problem should be treated to help relieve the vertigo.

If you are diagnosed as having vertigo, follow your doctor's instructions .


September 15, 2017 - 2:21pm


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